
Jessica Chizmar

Recent Posts

Trade Show Tuesday: Modex 2022

Millwood is excited to announce that we will be attending our first in-person trade show since the onset of the pandemic in 2020. Trade shows are opportunities for customers, vendors and suppliers to either network with new faces or reconnect with old friends. However, there's more to the shows than booths, demos and meetings with product managers; it also serves as an opportunity to learn more...
Author: Jessica Chizmar
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Flashback: Proper Winter Pallet Handling

Facilities that operate in colder, wintry environments can face a variety of issues related to pallets. With the scarcity of pallets since the onset of the pandemic, most buyers can’t afford a loss of pallets to improper handling in the winter months. Millwood’s own pallet expert, Ralph Rupert , weighed in on the dangers of improper pallet care and how to prevent losing your pallets to cold...
Author: Jessica Chizmar

The Best of 2021: Our Top Five Blog Posts This Year

This past year has been no less turbulent and uncertain than the previous one, but it has also been a year of growth. Millwood shared blog posts on lumber shortages, supply chain issues, special holidays and more. We also detailed the events and achievements that we are proud of. See below for a roundup of our most popular blog posts in 2021!
Author: Jessica Chizmar

Pillar Award Winners 2021

Millwood’s pillar award is the most prestigious award given by the company. The award represents our four pillars: trust, discipleship, integrity and servitude. All of Millwood strives to act in accordance with these pillars to the best of their ability. For those who go above and beyond, we acknowledge them with the pillar award.
Author: Jessica Chizmar
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Millwood Team Members Earn Reward Trip

Over the past year, Millwood team members have been setting and achieving lofty fiscal and budgetary goals across a wide variety of departments and locations. As a reward for their hard work and accomplishments, many Millwood team members at corporate and at the management level qualified for an all-inclusive trip to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. Because COVID restrictions prevent ed a trip...
Author: Jessica Chizmar

Pallets as Christmas Gifts

Christmas is almost here, and gifts for family and friends are a top priority for many of us. Issues with the global supply chain have made online and in-store shopping more strained than in years past, putting that much more pressure to get those gifts in time for the holiday. One way to get around that is to make your own gifts! Pallet projects are a popular way to make your own decorations,...
Author: Jessica Chizmar

Millwood’s Thankfulness Project Returns

Amid the holiday season, gratitude and thankfulness are at the forefront of our minds. Many of us use this time to celebrate with our families and reflect on the blessings of the past year. For the past several years, Millwood has also used this time to reflect on the blessings we experience in the workplace through our annual T hankfulness P roject. 
Author: Jessica Chizmar
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Happy Thanksgiving!

"Let the peace of Christ rule in your hearts, since as members of one body you were called to peace. And be thankful."- Colossians 3:15

Author: Jessica Chizmar

Meet Millwood’s Newest Plant Managers: Kelly Singerline and Rosa Marin

Millwood has recently promoted two new plant managers from within the company. Rosa Marin, who was previously a recruiter on our HR team, is now plant manager of our Rochester, NY facility, and Kelly Singerline, who served as plant administrator at South River, NJ for 17 years, is now the plant manager of that facility. 
Author: Jessica Chizmar

Consumers Feel the Pain of Supply Chain Strain

Consumer goods are more expensive and harder to get than years past, yet demand continues to grow with no signs of slowing down, especially going into the holiday season. American shoppers, now accustomed to receiving their items in two days with one click, are growing less confident in the supply chain , with only 55 percent reporting they are confident that retailers will fulfill their...
Author: Jessica Chizmar

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