
Jessica Chizmar

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Five Terms for Filter Sock Scholars

Millwood may be known for the packaging side of its business, but our CORE Erosion Control Services brand carries an entirely different type of product. CORE manufactures and distributes products used to protect water from the harmful effects of the construction industry.  They’re made of natural, recycled materials and reduce environmental risk associated with erosion and sedimentation. 
Author: Jessica Chizmar

Former NFL Player Steve Grant Visits Glenwillow

The team at Millwood’s Glenwillow, OH facility recently had a visit from Steve Grant, a former NFL player who now works with Sports World, an organization that sends athletes to different locations to speak about their life experiences and the importance of making positive choices. 
Author: Jessica Chizmar

Millwood Management Meeting 2021: Make a Difference

Millwood held its annual management meeting on October 13-14 in Columbus, OH with a theme of “Make a Difference.” This was the first management meeting held in person since October 2019, and more Millwood team members were in cluded than ever before.
Author: Jessica Chizmar

How to Safely Burn Pallet Wood

Bonfires are one of the most quintessential autumn activities in much of the United States. Gathering with friends and family around a fire making smores or telling stories are a favorite pastime for chilly , fall nights. But what happens when you run out of firewood? Can you burn leftover pallets instead?
Author: Jessica Chizmar

Florence Facility Exemplifies the Millwood Mission

Our Florence, SC facility had a busy fiscal year of activities and outreach events. Chaplain Jeremy Plowden and Plant Manager Matt Rissman are always on the lookout for opportunities to serve their community, and many of the team members are also excited to participate. 
Author: Jessica Chizmar

Infrastructure Improvements Are Critical to the Supply Chain

President Joe Biden’s plan for infrastructure changes is slated to be one of his landmark initiatives as president. The $1 trillion bill, down from Biden’s original $2.25 trillion proposal, passed in the Senate last month after months of negotiations and is set to be brought to the House floor for a vote next week before it can head to the President’s desk. 
Author: Jessica Chizmar

Celebrating National Working Parents Day

Today is National Working Parents Day, a holiday to honor all those raising a family while juggling a career. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics , 60 percent of families had two parents employed in 2020. For these working parents, the onset of the pandemic presented significant challenges.
Author: Jessica Chizmar

Millwood Encourages Team Members to Give Back

At Millwood, our company culture is a top priority. That’s why our corporate office formed the morale team several years ago. The morale team’s purpose is to show team members that they are appreciated and foster a sense of community among coworkers. They do this through hosting events like Employee Appreciation Day , Dog Day , weekly lunches or little surprises as simple as free Starbucks
Author: Jessica Chizmar

Pandemic Disruptions Continue to Affect Steel Prices

Since the onset of the pandemic, shortages of everything from pallets to computer chips have become part of the new normal across the globe. Production of a wide variety of products was halted or slowed by shutdowns and health regulations. Even as COVID-19 restrictions ease in many areas, the residual effects are continuing to create problems
Author: Jessica Chizmar

How to Hold On to Top Talent

Even in less trying times, labor has always been a challenge for business owners. From recruiting the best candidates, to training, to retention, labor costs are one of the largest costs you will face in your business. Turnover make s that cost even higher; according to the Center for American Progress, the cost of replacing an employee will cost an average of 21 percent of that employee’s...
Author: Jessica Chizmar