As the holiday season sneaks up on us, Millwood has a variety of events to celebrate; last month we hosted a trick or treating event and costume contest, last week we went Christmas gift shopping for area children in need, and now our annual thankfulness project is in full swing.
What began as a program to encourage gratitude has now become a staple event that team members look forward to during the holiday season.
In November, mail pouches are hung for each individual at the corporate office. Team members are encouraged to leave notes, candy or other fun tokens of appreciation for members of their Millwood family. The mail pouches stay up until we return from the holidays in January, as both a fun treat for employees and an exercise for those who wish to embrace the spirit of the season of thankfulness.

As we get closer to Thanksgiving, we invite you to share in our thankfulness project by practicing enthusiastic appreciation for those individuals in your life that make a positive difference. You don’t need a formal program to let someone know they are valued- just a minute or two and an email can spread an attitude of gratitude.
And finally, we would be remiss if we didn’t take this time to thank our customers and vendors for all they do- none of this would be possible without your loyalty and support.