Over the past year, Millwood team members have been setting and achieving lofty fiscal and budgetary goals across a wide variety of departments and locations. As a reward for their hard work and accomplishments, many Millwood team members at corporate and at the management level qualified for an all-inclusive trip to Punta Cana, Dominican Republic. Because COVID restrictions prevented a trip in 2020, the executive team wanted the 2021 reward trip to be extra special to show their gratitude. More team members than ever before qualified to go on the trip.
One new aspect of the trip? Team members were given the opportunity to participate in various excursions, including snorkeling, animal encounters, ziplining and more. Those who chose to stick to the resort had a wide variety of options for swimming and enjoying the sunshine. Before returning home, each team member was tested for COVID to show their negative results upon reentering the country.
Many team members expressed gratitude for the opportunity to spend quality time with their spouses, who were invited on the trip as well. Team members also relished being able to spend time getting to know one another outside of an office or work setting. Many of this year’s travelers joined Millwood during the pandemic and enjoyed their first opportunity to spend time with fellow team members. Camaraderie, togetherness and quality time made many team members feel closer as a Millwood family.
Congratulations to the Millwood team members who continue to reach for and achieve new goals each year. It’s because of that hard work that Millwood has been able to grow and thrive, and offering the reward trips is one way Millwood’s executive team shares their appreciation for that hard work and dedication. We look forward to seeing what new heights team members will bring themselves to in the future.