Millwood’s Glenwillow, OH team reached their fourth year without an accident on March 3, and they celebrated this achievement on April 18.
Several guests from operations and corporate attended the celebratory lunch, including District Manager Matt Pacurar, Regional Operations Manager George Ortt and Millwood Co-Owner Steve Miller.
The guests congratulated and thanked the team on their hard work toward achieving this goal.
“Congratulations, four years accident-free is quite the accomplishment,” George Ortt said.
Teamwork is an instrumental component when it comes to multi-year accident-free achievements.
“It really shows how you guys work together and work as a team and work safe. We appreciate what you guys do every day,” Matt said. “We appreciate you guys keeping each other and the person next to you safe.”
Steve Miller emphasized that while production numbers are important, nothing supersedes safety.

“As you know, we are in a manufacturing business, so production is very important, but production is not number one. You working safe is number one,” Steve said. “Your function is very important, but it’s not more important than who you are as a person. You, as an individual, are always of number one importance, and hopefully you get that message every day.”
Millwood’s mission is that all who come in contact with our company would clearly see the love of Christ in all that we do, and teams like the one in Glenwillow exemplify that mission by looking out for one another and following safety protocol.