It's easy to get caught up in negative new stories, but since today is National Kindness Day, we thought it was important to highlight some of our team members who received an act of kindness, however big or small, that changed their attitude and helped them tackle the day. It's the perfect holiday season to thank those who have made us feel special, but National Kindness day also serves to remind everyone how even the simplest words or actions can change someone's day drastically. Below are a few testimonies from team members who wanted to give a shoutout to coworkers that helped them, and honor those that practice kindness in their daily lives.
"I sat alone at a table in bistro for lunch for the first couple weeks of employment with Millwood. It's always lonely when you start a new job, and I didn't know anyone. One day, Nan asked me to come and sit with her and the other accounting team members at the table they sit at. “Josh, you’re more than welcome to come and sit with us. We don’t bite, I promise,” she said. Nan and I and the other ladies at the table have since become good friends and I respect and look up to them. Thank you Nan for inviting me that cold, fall day." -Josh Stipanovich, Marketing Project Specialist
"Four years ago, I had started working as a CSR for Millwood in the winter time. During this time, there was a crazy lumber shortage and I was told that no one had seen anything like it in years. Pallet orders were being pushed out for customers, we were requiring around a 3 week lead time and it felt as if we were giving price increases every other month to keep up with the lumber costs. It was hectic to say the least, and being new in the position added an additional stress and self-doubt. I was about 3 months into the job and one random afternoon, Don Smith approached me, gave me a hug and told me “I just want you to know that you are doing a great job and if you can handle the job right now with the lumber shortage, you will do just fine here.” He is unaware how much those words affected my perception of the job for the better ever since."-Sam Coie, Regional Customer Specialist

"For me, every day at Millwood feels like Kindness Day. Since coming here in February, even when I was a temp, the Millwood family has been an absolute blessing in my life. There is one day however, just recently, when kindness and compassion poured from this place. A few weeks ago, on the day that I went to the hospital, EVERYONE gathered around me physically and spiritually. The ladies in accounting stayed by my side the entire time caring for me until the paramedics arrived. Lisa led prayers. Rhonda held an ice pack on my neck. I remember all who came to the Bistro looking so concerned. Bridget and Carla followed the ambulance to the hospital and Bridget stayed by my side in the Emergency room until she was positive I was going to be alright. Jamie took my car to my home. The list of people who called and sent messages is long. Millwood truly Cares. I want to thank all of you, from the bottom of my heart."-Kathy Telego, Accounting