
Waterford Celebrates Two Years Accident-Free

Millwood’s Waterford, NY team reached their second accident-free anniversary on April 7, and they celebrated this achievement on May 15. 
District Manager Will Brickwedel said that the biggest influence on this accomplishment was teamwork.
“Every team member here makes sure they look out for each other and not just themselves,” he said. 
Safety training and follow-up are also crucial components of success in safety.
“Training also plays a huge role in it, and making sure that when new safety precautions are rolled out that everyone understands them and follows them at all times,” Will said. “Being on the floor and making sure everyone is following the rules because that presence on the floor be it the supervisors, plant leads, but most importantly the plant manager has a huge influence.  
Will also said that close involvement from plant managers helps foster a culture of safety.
“As plant managers, we need to be involved with everything that goes on. Be on the floor every time you have the chance,” he said. “Make your presence felt, make sure that tool box talks are getting done, pre-shift meetings, and get to know your team members, not just on the work level but also on a personal level, because that goes a long way.”
Ultimately, it takes buy-in from the entire team to achieve significant safety milestones. With each team member looking out for one another’s safety, accidents become less common over time.
“If you see someone doing something wrong, pull them aside and ask questions, let them ask questions, be visual with your explanations as to why what they did was wrong or unsafe,” Will said.
Leadership culture also plays a role in ensuring a safe working environment.
“Use the R-Factor/Lead Now training to help improve the culture at your location,” Will said. “Even if the culture is good, it can always get better.”
Millwood’s mission is that all who come in contact with our company would clearly see the love of Christ in all that we do, and our number one goal is to send each team member home the way they arrived at work: safely. Thank you to the team in Waterford for your efforts in maintaining this two-year safety streak.
Author: Jessica Chizmar

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