
Waterford Celebrates One Year Accident-Free

The team at Millwood’s Waterford, NY location achieved one year without an accident on April 7. The safety team held a celebration at the facility on May 17, which included a catered lunch from Dinosaur BBQ and a gift for each team member as a token of their appreciation.
District Manager Will Brickwedel, who acted as plant manager at this location prior to his promotion to district manager, spoke about how the team working together led to this accomplishment.
“I think the biggest word here is ‘team’ because we have to work as a team in order to achieve these amazing accomplishments,” Will said. “We have built a great team here in Waterford, where team members not only come in and do their jobs, but also look out for one another to make sure that we all go home to our families the way that we arrived,: safe!”
Will expressed his gratitude to the team for their commitment to safety and working together as a team.
“Thank you to everyone in the Waterford plant for always working safely and looking out for each other,” he said. “The saying that always sticks is ‘teamwork makes the dream work!’”
For other teams in locations across the U.S. hoping to achieve this major milestone, Will recommends focusing on teamwork first and allowing that to drive results. Focusing on teamwork helps foster a company culture that will naturally lead to safety milestones and other accomplishments.
“Strive to make sure everyone is working together as a team and watching out for one another every day. When everyone is working together, great things happen,” he said. “Not only does this help reach a milestone like this, but it also helps build the culture that we are looking for here at Millwood.”
Congratulations to the team at Waterford for this exciting and impressive accomplishment. Millwood’s mission is that all who come in contact with our company would clearly see the love of Christ in all that we do. 
One important way our team members live out that mission is by looking out for one another and doing their jobs as safely as possible. Millwood is blessed to have team members who put each other first and take safety seriously.
Author: Jessica Chizmar