
Millwood Offers New Bible Study Program: Back Side of the Cross

Guided by prayer and a desire to meet the spiritual needs of our team members, Millwood recently introduced a new Bible study called Back Side of the Cross. The lessons are publicly available on our YouTube channel and associated Facebook group for anyone to learn from, whether they are part of the Millwood family or not. 
At the height of the pandemic, social distancing was a reality of everyday life. Millwood chaplains were used to giving devotionals to team members all together in their break rooms. Once social distancing restrictions were in place, chaplains were only able to meet with team members one-on-one and print out their devotionals instead of delivering them in person. 
In the midst of these restrictions, the idea for Back Side of the Cross was born.
“Through prayer, God started putting the idea of a virtual Bible study on our hearts,” Pastor Jody Jones, regional chaplain coordinator, said. “We worked with the marketing and communications team to brainstorm the best way to make this happen and make it available for all Millwood team members.”
Back Side of the Cross (BSOTC) consists of lessons in both English and Spanish that help give a deeper understanding of biblical concepts and the word of the Lord. 
The BSOTC team hopes that this new program will have an impact beyond Millwood team members. 
“I am most looking forward to lives being touched and small Bible study groups popping up everywhere in Millwood, from break rooms to Zoom calls,” Pastor Jody said. “We also want to see people outside of Millwood be impacted.”
For more information, join our Back Side of the Cross Facebook group. You can find all the previous Back Side of the Cross lessons on our YouTube channel.
Author: Jessica Chizmar

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