
Hand Film vs Machine Film: What's the Difference?

We all know that to do a job right, you need the right tools for the job. A nail gun may do an excellent job fastening a pallet together, but if you’re trying to cut a piece of lumber the best nail gun in the world won’t help nearly as much as a plain old saw.

Author: Paige Greene

Top Four Ways to Recycle Used Pallets

How can you create treasure out of something you thought was trash?

Some pallet companies (Millwood included) have pallet recovery programs to help recover, recycle and re manufacture pallets. These are generally for large orders or big customers, but what if you’re a small business with only a dozen or so pallets? There are still plenty of ways to get more use out of pallets, with or without...

Author: Paige Greene

Millwood Lab

Take a look inside the lab and learn about what it offers!

Author: Paige Greene

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