When you’re purchasing or researching pallets, you might come across a lot of terms that you don’t recognize. This can easily become overwhelming, so we want to help shed a little light on some unfamiliar terms.
Sometimes, you might see words you already know that take on a completely new meaning in the context of the packaging industry. It’s not always immediately clear what we mean when we use some of these words when referring to pallets, so we would like to bring our customers a bit more clarity on the topic.
Our goal is to help you make the most informed decisions about your pallets as possible. A little extra pallet knowledge can go a long way, so check out these five pallet terms below!
Did you enjoy this mini-pallet lesson, or do you have bigger and bolder questions that need answered? Let us know in the comments, and we'll do our best to address your questions as they come.
Note: These terms and their definitions were provided by the Approved American National Standard on Pallets, Slip Sheets and Other Bases for Unit Loads.